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Hero DSCF0348_bassa

We design and manufacture continuous surfaces. We’ve been doing it for over thirty years.


It is a story of research, intuition and tenacity. Ours.


Thirty years ago, the Nord Resine Group created the world’s first polymer concrete Venetian plaster for floors: Norphen W3, which then became Natural. We’ve never stopped since then. We constantly renew our commitment, with unprecedented passion, to creating new solutions that fulfil the technical and aesthetic needs of contemporary living.


The birth and evolution of Venetian plasters in Italy

  • 1995

    Norphen W3

  • 2000


  • 2004

    Polyurethane transparent protective coatings

    In the building sector there was a need to have protective coatings with improved resistance to mechanical and chemical wear compared to the waxes used up to then. Our laboratories produced Coat Lux and Coat Mat, the forerunners of the current Proteggo Opaco H2O and Proteggo Lucido H2O.


  • 2008


  • 2014


    We developed our first micro-cement coating that could suit application and living needs thanks to a reliable system that was easy to apply.

  • 2017


  • 2018


    The interior design sector required a textured coating to apply to furnishings and furniture accessories. We responded by developing a coating suited to all surfaces, even in the most damp conditions, such as bathrooms.

  • 2022

    Nativus. Continuous surfaces for interior design.


We give tangible form to your ideas, by reflecting your vision in an authentic and unparalleled way.


We are producers but also expert chemists and application technicians who are able to recognise and work with all surfaces that define a space. We manage each project from start to finish – from the creative idea to its application – by interacting directly and rapidly with our counterparts. Ours is a global vision embracing all the subjects and elements involved in the process, to guarantee an integrated and synergistic approach. We take care of each detail to simplify the work of the entire supply chain and obtain unrivalled results.

Being a leader in continuous coatings

Each Nativus product originates and develops from our thirty-year-long experience in the field. This enables us to create impeccable and targeted solutions that can be personalised, anticipating the demands and requirements of each project.

Le collezioni – Natural

Enhancing the visual effect

Our coatings, with their contemporary style, refined details and sophisticated structure, are formulated to bring out the best of spaces and enhance their form. We devise unrivalled textures, to explore with the senses.

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Forming real Master Resin Application Technicians

An increasingly competitive market demands the highest quality standards also with regard to the application.
That’s why we have set up the Nativus Academy, a unique facility in Italy that allows each participant to attain the highest levels of expertise and skill. We train today the professionals of tomorrow.

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Providing solutions to the customer and the designer

We satisfy specific design requests, by developing personalised solutions. We respond to any dedicated technical and aesthetic need also during the application and maintenance phases of the resin coating. The only result we aim for is perfection.

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Guaranteeing the highest quality level

Expert, diligent and qualified professionals. The Master Resin Application Technicians trained through the Academy are an integral part of our team. We assign them important jobs and projects so as to ensure you maximum performance at all times. In any place or context.

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We redefine resin surfaces

Collaborate with us

Every Nativus product stems from in-depth studies, bold experimentation and a thorough analysis of the market requirements.

Passion and experience drive us to constantly explore new paths to create solutions capable of innovating and enriching the world of continuous surfaces.

Collaborate with us


Boundless coatings

Rivestimenti senza confini DSCF0450_bassa Natural Cachemire

Available in a wide array of colours, resin is a ductile material that affords extensive creative freedom. Our ongoing research efforts have enabled us to develop seven textures characterised by their distinctive technical and aesthetic properties. The result is unique and personal continuous surfaces that reflect the character of any space.

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Our idea of quality

la nostra idea di qualità DSCF0155_alta_bassa

We develop the materials within our laboratories, by collecting the various requests coming from the building sites, and verify their requirements. We test the efficacy and resistance of each product and introduce it on the market only after guaranteeing its excellence and reliability. We rise to the challenges posed by the market by creating innovative solutions that elevate the sector’s standards.

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A team effort

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From the design needs of architects to the living requirements of individuals and the demands of application technicians: we acknowledge any request directly and personally, answering any question in a timely and efficient way. We work side-by-side to create spaces capable of creating a lasting bond with people and their personal stories.

  • Know

    Knowledge as the platform for an expertly completed job.

    A journey through the Nativus world to discover the characteristics, distinctive properties and types of application of each material.

    Explore the training programme
  • Test

    Experience and experimentation as keys to success.

    Acquiring advanced skills for working conscientiously, to solve different and specific needs.

    Explore the training programme
  • Express

    Clarity, persuasion, engagement and firm belief.

    Communicating effectively to improve interaction with end customers and valuing your own skills. Marketing and entrepreneurial tools explained clearly.

    Explore the training programme
  • Put into practice

    Acquiring technical abilities to obtain tangible results.

    The application of Nativus materials on frequently made broad surfaces, such as shower cabins.

    Explore the training programme
  • Sapere
  • Testare
  • Esprimere
  • Praticare
nativus Academy

We look to the future. Together.


Our enthusiasm drives us to work with a bold and optimistic attitude towards the future. We are committed to minimising our impact on the ecosystem and working in a responsible manner.
As a result, all the choices we make respect every human being – the people who work with us now as well as our future colleagues, those who love our products today and those who’ll admire them tomorrow.

ISO 9001:2015

Nativus possesses the ISO 9001:2015 certification, an international quality standard that attests to our commitment in providing you with the finest products and services. For a long time we have been passing the test by an accredited certification body that ensures the conformity of our quality management system to the standard’s requirements.

Every company process is optimised to ensure that the end result is of the highest standard, starting from the raw materials and including all phases of the production cycle up to the after-sales phase. We are constantly engaged in implementing and improving solutions daily, for our personal satisfaction and yours, step by step.

The REACH regulation

REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) is a European regulation that aims to guarantee the safe use of chemical products within the European Union.
All the materials and substances we use are registered with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), which certifies their physical and chemical properties, risks, intended conditions of use and risk management measures.

In adopting the REACH regulation, we guarantee the correct use and safety of our products for human health and the environment.

Recovery of process water

We collect, treat and reuse the water we use for our production process. In this way we can reduce the consumption and volume of wastewater discharged, which in turn reduces our environmental impact and preserves the water resources. A small step towards a more sustainable production, for all.

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Develop your project

We create personalised solutions that satisfy specific design needs. We give tangible form to creativity.

Get in touch with us

We answer all your questions directly, resolving any request in a timely and precise way.

Are you a:


or are you deciding whether to use one of our coatings for your home?

Fill in the form to get in touch with our team.

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