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Hero – Crystepo


The artistic resin that embraces creativity and expressive freedom, transforming resin surfaces into imaginative and tangible impressions. Made to last.


At the service of art

Crystepo – Applicato

A technologically advanced solution for creating decorative effects with a striking visual appeal.
Crystepo is the encapsulation resin that, once poured on existing supports, “freezes” the elements in the background, suspending them in the present and future space-time.

Crystepo – Applicato
Crystepo – Esempio
Crystepo – Esempio

Every coating made with Crystepo affords a myriad of application and composition options combining artisan abilities and artistic talent.

Ideally suited to public and commercial places, Crystepo is the perfect choice for people who want to impress their guests by leaving them with indelible memories.

Crystepo – Foglia


Dove applicare Crystepo

Crystepo – Foglia
  • Oggetti
    Protezione o realizzazione di elementi d’arredo e oggettistica per l’abitare contemporaneo.
  • Stampe
    Rivestimento e copertura di stampe su tessuti speciali.
  • Decori Artistici
    Protezione di elementi pittorici e decorativi realizzati manualmente su pareti, pavimenti, piani e banconi
    domestici o commerciali.

We help you to choose

Orienting oneself in the Nativus universe, amid collections and products that differ in terms of composition and characteristics.

We define your needs and accompany you step by step so that you can fully satisfy your visual and technical requirements.



Un esempio dimostrativo: come realizzare un rivestimento con la nostra texture Crystepo.

Crystepo System

La stratigrafia in figura rappresenta una tipologia, fra le attuabili, di applicazione della texture Crystepo.

Vuoi conoscere il sistema più adatto alle tue esigenze?


B – Texture Crystepo

A – Decorative subject

General information

Technical data sheet

Get in touch with us

We answer all your questions directly, resolving any request in a timely and precise way.

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or are you deciding whether to use one of our coatings for your home?
Fill in the form to get in touch with our team.

Contact Us

Each coating is a fragment of time that encloses the story of the decorated site or the people who inhabit it.

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