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Nativus Academy

We transform today’s entrepreneurs into tomorrow’s leaders.


The place where to learn, experiment and build experience. Step by step.

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Forming professionals-entrepreneurs who are good at their jobs and know how to value it, who emerge within the reference market for their expertise and reliability: that’s the goal of the Nativus Academy.

A unique academy in Italy that combines technical-practical lectures with lessons on the chemistry of materials, architecture, marketing and communication. It is a global path that, once completed, will enable you to become a Master Resin Application Technician, namely a certified Nativus application technician.

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We offer training courses designed based on your needs. If you are an artisan looking for new ways to propose yourself on the market, a painter or tile layer who would like to learn how to apply resin, if you want to learn new skills and also understand how to distinguish yourself, the Nativus Academy is your solution.

For Business company wishing to train multiple staff members, we provide tailor training programs. Contact us to discuss your specific training needs Step by Step.

Innovation depends on training: S.T.E.P.

A multidisciplinary offer that will allow you to acquire real and direct experience on working as an application technician.

S.T.E.P. is the exclusive Nativus training method revolving around four founding elements:

S S Know

Knowledge as the platform for an expertly completed job. A journey through the Nativus world to discover the characteristics, distinctive properties and types of application of each material.

T T Test

Experience and experimentation as keys to success. Acquiring advanced skills for working conscientiously, to solve different and specific needs.

E E Express

Clarity, persuasion, engagement and firm belief. Communicating effectively to improve interaction with end customers and valuing your own skills. Marketing and entrepreneurial tools explained clearly.

P P Put into practice

Acquiring technical abilities to obtain tangible results. The application of Nativus materials on frequently made broad surfaces, such as shower cabins.

Reaching the top. Our objectives, your goals.


Thanks to S.T.E.P. and our step-by-step training, you will acquire skills for:

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  • interacting with established or potential customers and empathising with them, anticipating their needs;
  • attributing the right value to your skills;
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  • carrying out any type of application from start to finish. Anywhere. From homes to building sites, from tile laying to radiant floors;
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  • becoming a reference point within your market;
  • being a leader, explaining every aspect and correctly managing any field of your activity.
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